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Innovative train: DB sets new standards for rail transport in Germany’s cities

Vorstellung des begehbares 1:1-Modell einer künftigen S-Bahn

At the end of July, Deutsche Bahn (DB) presented a real-size model of an urban train of the future, setting new standards for rail transport in metropolitan regions. With the so-called IdeenzugCity, DB is once again demonstrating innovative solutions with which purchasers and rail operators in local transport can further significantly increase quality and capacity on climate-friendly rail. The IdeenzugCity makes travel even more reliable, comfortable and flexible for commuters and day trippers on regional and suburban rail services.

View of the flexible multi-purpose area I © Deutsche Bahn/ Oliver Lang

The seats can be retracted or extended at the touch of a button. The available capacity can thus be flexibly adapted to the passenger volume and time of day, and additional space for bicycles and prams can be created if required. LED strips help passengers to orientate themselves better in and around the train. New types of displays and digital foils on windows and doors improve passenger information. A 180° train destination display in the windscreen adapts to passengers’ viewing angles on the platform by moving the destination from the centre of the display to the side so that it is easy to read for all customers. Passengers who want to work on the train will find an integrated display as a second screen for a laptop and a comfortable folding table.

A video of the new train concept is available here:

DB Regio CEO Dr Jörg Sandvoß: “Innovations are the key to more passengers and more climate protection. With the IdeenzugCity, we are making concrete offers to the entire local transport industry for the further development of S-Bahn trains, with which we alone as DB Regio transported more than 1.3 billion people a year in Germany’s largest metropolises until the outbreak of the pandemic. The flexible space concept with automatically adjustable seating and standing areas is unique worldwide. At the push of a button, we can increase capacity by up to 40 percent. This is how the mobility revolution works, this is how we win new passengers for the environmentally friendly railway.”

Picture gallery (please click to open):

The IdeenzugCity is already DB Regio’s second 1:1 model financed from its own funds that makes innovations in regional transport tangible for customers and operators. DB has since expanded the IdeenzugRegio, which was presented in 2018, to include redesigned toilet facilities and a flexible interior concept for bicycle transport. The first implementations of the IdeenzugRegio can be found on the Munich S-Bahn and, in the future, on the Stuttgart S-Bahn, the Hamburg S-Bahn and the Südostbayernbahn. Further facts and figures on the Ideenzug can be found in the fact sheet (in German only).

The innovative Mock-Up has been presented to press and stakeholders at the end of July I © Deutsche Bahn/ Oliver Lang